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The Right Price Ch. 04

Post #1

Chapter 4: Where Do I Validate?
Tyler and Amy were out to lunch enjoying the summer afternoon sun. Tyler had gotten a chicken sandwich that was to die for, Amy a taco platter and it was a beautiful day. The sun, shining, the birds, singing, the table next to them? Full of college brats making fun of their waitress and whispering about how they couldn't wait to stiff her and dine and dash.
"Give me one second." Amy said to Tyler. She stood and made her way to the table next to them. "Hey, tech bros." She slammed a hand down and, shocked, they directed their attention to her and ceased their giggles. "I know damn well you can more than afford to pay for your fucking meal and give your very hard-working waitress a very nice tip considering you'll all be using daddies credit cards. And while you're at it," She points to the blonde one, whose face has gone pale. "if I were you I'd also use daddies money to get a hair transplant. Having a receding hair line at twenty is bad enough, being a shitty human who doesn't tip is worse. You should pick a struggle."
His friends all look at him and laugh.
"Oh, no, don't laugh. Please every time you open your fucking mouth I can smell the gangrene. And here," Amy reaches into her pocket and grabs her ChapStick, placing it in front of the taller, freckled one. "your lips are so chapped I'm surprised you don't send sparks each time you move them to say something else that absolutely no one wants to hear." He goes red and silent. Amy turns to the final member of the douche brigade. "And you," she sucks her teeth. "life will be hard enough for you at five foot six. Buy a very nice car and learn how to eat pussy really good is the only advice I can give you. Now, keep it down." She points to each of them. "Pay your tab and fucking tip, or I will go up to UT campus and cockblock you at every fucking frat party you manage to buy your way into until you graduate. Understood?" They nod, not saying a word and Amy returns to her own table.
"You let them off easy, the freckled one has chicken legs." Tyler laughs softly as she sits.
"I thought about it, but the chapped lips dig was enough I suppose." She took a bit of her taco. "Now you were telling me about the other day with Casey."
"Clark and yes, it was fucking great. I'm still sore, and swear I can feel it in me still. It's like phantom cock."
"And he's uncut?"
"And white?" She takes another bite.
"Uh, yeah." Although Tyler didn't actually know. Clark could just be a very pale person of color. He should ask.
"Weird, white people usually circumcise, and it's a good thing they do because it's hard enough getting white men to wash their legs. Let alone their foreskin." She jokes. "Smelly, smelly men."
"Well Clark smells fucking amazing. Always like he's fresh out the shower. Well he does have a musk to him, but it drives me fucking crazy." Tyler laughs taking a bite of his own food. His phone starts ringing. "Oh, wow, speak of the devil."
"Ooh, it's him? Let me speak to him, I need to ask if he's got a brother." Tyler scoffs and swats her hand away as he answers the phone.
"Hello." He takes a drink, clearing his throat. "We were actually just talking about you." He smiles.
"Oh really? Who's we? I hope you were saying nice things." Clark chuckles through the phone.
"Actually we were talking about your horse cock." Amy says with a mouthful. Tyler pushes her shoulder, mouthing to shut up. She giggles breathlessly.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Nothing, just my roommate Amy. We're out to lunch." Tyler laughs.
"Oh, good. That's actually why I called. Where are you?"
"Uhm, we are at that little Cat Café and Giftshop on Chavez. We love it, it's one of our faves." Tyler tells him. Amy mimes a blowjob and choking.
"Yum, I love that place. Listen babe-"
"Babe? We're at babe now?" Tyler nibbles his sandwich and takes a sip of his water.
"Well I was hoping after Saturday, yeah." Clark said in a deep and sultry tone.
"I'll allow it." Tylers' mind flooded with the memory of his romp session with Clark in the back seat and he could feel his blood rush to his cock, his hole pucker and quiver.
"Good," Clark laughed. "I was actually hoping you wouldn't mind bringing me lunch. I am up to my neck in paperwork, project plans, legal documents, I - I just can't really get away right now." He pleaded.
"Why not order delivery?" Tyler said flirtatiously, but he actually wouldn't mind seeing Clark again.
"Because then I wouldn't get to see you." Tyler could hear Clark smile through the phone.
"Oh, gag." Amy said, overhearing Clarks cheesy line. Tyler swatted at her.
"They have a really good ham sandwich here on a pretzel bun with Colby jack cheese. Want me to bring that?" Tyler asked.
"That sounds delicious, look I've got to go. I'll text you the address. Bye babe, see you in a minute." Clark hung up quickly.
"See beşiktaş escort bayan you soon too babe." Tyler said to the empty line. He turned his attention back to Amy, who had turned to face the college boys she had scolded. The waitress had dropped their checks. Amys' face said I'm watching you. "Looks like I have to go. Want me to drop you at home on the way, or you got it yourself?" He asked.
"No, you go ahead. I wanna walk down to that little salon down the street, get my toes done." She turned back to the table; the boys having paid. "Have fun." She winked suggestively. "Love you."
"You too." Tyler responded, getting up and heading inside to place the to go order.

Tyler stepped off the elevator and onto the thirty second floor. He had never been up this high in the air. Not even on a plane. He looked to the left where windows displayed a gorgeous view of the city.
"Wow." Tyler let out a breath at the site. "Um, excuse me," He stopped an office worker. "I'm looking for Clark Price. I've got his food." He held up the bag.
"Ah, yes right that way." They pointed the way.
"Thank you." Tyler smiled and headed towards an office with big floor to ceiling windows that were covered by curtains. He approached the door, where a plaque read Clark Price Assistant Project Manager. He knocked.
"Come in," His voice came from the other side. "no, Mr. Edwards. Listen we can't push this date back again. We are already over budget." Tyler opened the door. "Hey, close the door, come in." Clark whispered, covering the mic on the phone. He waved Tyler in flashing his beautiful smile at him. He looked stunning in his office attire. Tylers' heart fluttered at the sight. His dick throbbed again. "The construction team told us they couldn't accommodate the additional wing. We told the architects; they're working on a solution." Tyler sat, waving and smiling at Clark. Putting the bag on the table. Clark mouthed a thank you. "I will call them and see what they've come up with. But we may have to open without the building being finished. I know - I know, it's not ideal. But we have to do what we can." Clark rolled his eyes and groaned silently. "Okay, thank - thank you Mr. Edwards. I will call them and get back to you by end of day. Goodbye." He hung up and leaned on his desk, head in hands.
"Hi." Tyler laughed. "Busy day?"
"Hi." Clark perked up for Tyler. "Yes, very, and I didn't eat breakfast. Thank you so much for this." He grabbed the bag. Taking out the contents, he opened the bag of chips and took a bite.
"No problem...babe." Tyler emphasized the word. He could see the stress radiating off of Clark, he wanted to help. He wanted to alleviate some of it and he knew just the way.
"Mmm." Clark had dug into the sandwich. "Thank you, and sorry. Is 'babe' too much?"
"No, not at all. I kinda like it actually. At least when you say it." Tyler leaned over the desk and wiped a crumb from Clarks chin. "Here." He placed his thumb on Clarks lips. Clark sucked the crumb off his thumb.
"Mmm. Now you see why I wanted to see you." Clark took another bite.
"I do, a very busy man can't be bothered to go get his own lunch. Can he?" Tyler got up and slowly walked around the desk.
"No, he can't" Tyler pushed Clark back in his chair, grabbing his tie and sat on the desk.
"Such an important man deserves to have his lunch delivered to him." Tyler ran a hand slowly up the tie.
"He does." Clark put the sandwich down.
"A powerful man needs to be taken care of, doesn't he?" Tyler ran his hand up the side of Clarks head and down his chest. Clark took in a deep breath, his chest rising under Tylers' touch. He could feel his heartbeat in his hand.
"Yes, he does." Clark replied, opening his legs. Tyler looked down and saw Clarks bulging cock fighting to get out of his pants.
"It's a good thing you called me. Huh, babe?" Clark nodded and Tyler leaned down and kissed his full, soft lips. They tasted like ham. He pulled back and placed his other hand on Clarks penis. "Right?"
"Yes." Clark moaned softly. Tyler unzipped his pants.
"Ask me."
"Please?" Clark asked as Tyler pulled the erect pipe out of its cage.
"Please what?" Tyler gave a single, soft stroke. Pulling back the foreskin and revealing the pink cockhead. He leaned down again and kissed Clark softly, teasing him, rubbing his thumb over the pre-cum soaked tip.
"Please, babe, suck my cock?" Clark shuddered.
"That's better." Tyler got on his knees and took Clark whole in one swift motion.
"Oh, fuck!" Clark moaned as he felt Tylers' throat squeeze his shaft. Tylers' nose brushed the pubes and his nostrils filled with Clarks manly scent. "Oh..." Clark moaned as Tyler started to bob up and down, sucking and massaging his balls while he did so. He placed a hand on Tylers' head, helping to guide him and set a pace. Tyler didn't gag or choke this time like he had the first istanbul escort time. He used his tongue to massage Clarks cock as he went up and down, causing his legs to shake and body to writhe and arch as he did. "Shit babe." Clark moaned.
"Fuck you taste so good sir." Tyler came up for air and slapped his cheek with Clarks penis, looking him in the eye. A satisfied grin spread across Clarks face. He loved being called sir by Tyler. He went back down to the base of Clarks tool causing him to shake in pleasure. He leaned down as Tyler did his job, slapping and rubbing his ass.
"Fuck I want another go at this ass." He slapped it again and Tyler winced in joy at the pat. Clark hit him again on the other cheek and Tyler kept sucking. "Shit!" Tyler was about to come up for air again, when Clark shoved him down. There was a noise from the door. Someone was coming in. "Jacob, what's up." Clark tried to keep a composure while Tyler quietly continued the blowjob. He backed up into the alcove under the desk as Clark repositioned to accommodate for the space.
"Here, for the new project down in Buda. Serena told me to bring it to you." Tyler heard this 'Jacob' sit something down on the desk. "Sorry didn't know you were at lunch."
"Oh - I - uhm...I'm technically not." Clark responded; it took all his power to hide what was happening under the desk. Tyler slowly lifted off his cock. Continuing to stroke him. He quietly undid and pull his own pants down. Spitting into his hand and lubing up his hole.
"You good?" Jacob asked him.
"Yeah." Clark bit his lips and rubbed his temples. "Just a - a headache." He laughed to cover up a moan as Tyler took him in his mouth again to add some more saliva to the girthy cock. He ran his tongue under the foreskin. "It's been a very long day and this fucking Edwards project is - is pissing me off." He took in a deep breath.
"Yeah, that fucking guy. He's a dick. He called Tony yesterday to bitch him out." Jacob took a seat. Tyler slowly turned around, careful not to bump anything or make any noise. He positioned his hole against Clarks cockhead and gave a small, weak push.
"Yeah!" Clark knocked on the desk. "Yeah, I got the email from him about it. That's why I had to call him today-" Tyler pressed back, slowly, but hard. Clarks penis entered his tight hole, inching its' way in as Tyler continued to lean back. Tyler put his hand to his mouth and bit his finger to stop from crying out. "Fuck! I'm just so - ugh!" Clark did his best to cover.
"I know, I wish your dad would drop him as a client. He gave us issues with the apartment complex we built for him last year." Jacob reached over and took one of the chips. "Well, anyway I've gotta go. I have some emails to sift through. Getting ready for me and Emilys' vacation. Gotta get some shit done." Tyler squeezed his inner walls and felt Clarks leg shake in response to the tightening canal around his cock. "You sure you're good bro?" Clark must've let something show on his face.
"Mhm. Just dreading my own work." He nodded quickly and shifted his lower half, plunging into Tyler. Tyler almost yipped from the sudden pleasure. Clark flexed his cock muscles and Tyler felt him twitch inside him.
"Okay. Anyway, see you later." Jacob walked towards the door.
"Yeah you too. Can you lock it on your way out, I'm gonna try to sneak in a nap. Don't say anything." He chuckled hiding another moan of ecstasy.
"No problem buddy, You coming to the bar with us tonight?"
"You bet." Clark gave a thumbs up as Jacob left, locking the door as instructed. Tyler squeezed and leaned forward, then back. Stroking Clarks cock with his ass lips. "Fuck!" Clark growled as he rolled his chair back, pulling out of Tyler. "What the fuck."
"Oh, you loved it." Tyler spun around looking up at him. He crawled forward, taking Clark back in his mouth.
"Get to the couch." He pulled Tyler up from him and to his lips.
"Yes sir." Tyler grinned, getting up and taking his pants off. Clark followed, disrobing himself.
"Bend over." Clark commanded. Tyler obeyed and Clark dove between his cheeks and began running his tongue up and down Tylers' slit. He went down the taint to the balls and all the way back up to the crack. Tyler moaned as Clark ran his face over his ass, biting the outer ring softly. "We could've been caught." Clark grabbed Tylers' hip and sat down, pulling him down. He guided Tyler, positioning him over his steel rod. "Is that what you wanted?" He asked as he pushed Tyler down, his cockhead breaching his hole once more.
"Maybe..." Tyler moaned as he inched down. "Aaahhh!" He moaned as he went further and further. He leaned back, bracing himself on the couch as Clark bucked up into him. Going all the way in. "Huh!" Tyler took in a sharp breath.
"You like that? Huh? Almost exposing me to my best friend?" Clark started bucking up, slapping his thighs against Tylers' hot ass. "Huh? Answer me!" He commanded as he escort bayan rus smacked one of Tylers cheeks before placing both hands firmly around his throat, leaving just enough space for him to breath.
"Yes!" Tyler managed to choke out as Clark pounded into him. He bounced up and down with the rhythm of his fucking.
"Yes! What!" He spat with two hard pumps.
"Yes sir!" Tyler cried as Clark resumed his rough handling of Tylers pulsating pussy.
"No, not sir. Not anymore. Yes! What!" He lightly popped the side of Tylers face.
"Daddy?" He asked while matching Clarks rhythm, bucking his hip down to clap against his lap.
"That's right bitch." Clark degraded Tyler as he grabbed his hips and pulled him down to the base.
"Aaahhh!" Tyler moaned as his body erupted in pleasure at taking Clarks full length all at once.
"Now spin around and don't take my dick out while you do." Clark commanded and Tyler once again did as he was told. He repositioned himself back on his knees, Clark never left his body as did so. Both men's eyes rolled in pleasure as they settled into their new position. "Fuuuuck!" Clark sighed. "Come here." He pulled Tyler down to his face and forced his tongue into his mouth, then he moved his hands down to Tylers hips. Guiding him into a rhythm.
Tyler moved his hips back and forth, feeling Clark rub against his prostate. His own cock sprung to life. Clark grasped it and started stroking it.
"Clark!" Tyler moaned Clarks name as they continued to make out.
"Tyler!" Clark responded. He let out a deep breath as Tyler continued his rhythm, grinding and bucking trying his hardest to milk Clarks load out of him.
"You're still so tense and stressed daddy!" He kissed his way down Clarks' cheek down to his neck. "Let me help you babe."
"Oh, fuck. Please help me baby." Clark moaned, pushing his hips up into Tylers sweet, sweet hole. "Take my stress away." He begged, still jerking Tyler off.
"Give it to me then daddy. Give me your load. Release your stress." Tyler tensed and untensed his own walls, hoping that would help make him explode. "Give it to me please." Tyler made his way back up and bit Clarks lower lip.
"Oh - fuck!" Clark bucked up again, hard and drove himself deeper into him. "Help me cum baby."
"Cum for me baby."
"Let's cum together." Tyler stated. Clark kissed him and nodded, picking up the pace of his bucking and stroking. "Oh, fuck." Tyler could feel it, Clark was pulling his load out of his balls. Tyler was close. He told Clark.
"Fuck, I'm close too. Cum with me." He commanded, squeezing Tylers cock harder. In response he leaned back and started squatting up and down on Clarks lap. Squeezing his pussy as he did so. "Shit, shit shit." Clark humped wildly, uncontrollably to match Tylers' pace. The claps of his lap against his ass cheeks echoing. He was sure people could hear, but he didn't care.
"Ahhh!" Both men exclaimed as they came together. Tyler shot all over Clarks face and couch, Clark coated Tylers' insides. Both cumming rope after rope. Tyler pushed all the way down, collapsing onto Clarks' chest as he shook from the orgasm. His whole body tingled and he could feel his hole constrict and release. Milking even more out of Clark.
"Oh god." Clark moaned as he raised his hips up into Tyler to push his load farther in. He wiped some of Tylers' semen off of his face and licked it up. "Fuck you taste good."
"Better than the sandwich?" He asked.
"Maybe, I need another round to compare." Clark lifted Tylers face off of his chest and gave him a deep kiss.

Clark and Tyler were putting their clothes back on after round two when Clark smacked Tylers ass. He turned around and reached up, kissing him while pulling on the newly reapplied tie.
"Careful now, I can barely walk as it is."
"I can get you a wheelchair if you'd like." He chuckles kissing him back and jiggling Tylers ass.
"I think I can manage, now I have to go. Amy texted asking where I was."
"What'd you tell her?"
"That I was getting fucked thirty floors in the air and she told me to get home to rehearse." Tyler put his shoes on.
"Yeah, I'm doing a set tonight at the Lion's Den for my friend. She's a drag queen LaVida Bone In." Tyler gave Clark a peck and turned around to find his keys that had been thrown from his pocket during the romp.
"Can I come?" Clark asked.
"Aren't you going out with Jacob." Tyler said with a touch of insinuation. Tyler had never been the jealous type, but something about Clark (probably his cock) made him feel possessive. It was an unnecessary feeling as they weren't together. Were they? They were on babe level, so perhaps...
"Jacob," Clark laughed, pulling Tyler into an embrace by the hips and kissing him deep. "is just a friend. And he'll stay that way. I've been hooking up with this guy recently and I think it's getting pretty serious." Was it? He kissed him again, grasping Tylers' hip with one hand and pulling him closer into him with the other by the small of his back.
"Oh?" Tyler grinned between kissing. "Well in that case I guess I wouldn't mind you swinging by tonight. Ten p.m. sharp." He told him.
12-07-2024, at 11:25 PM

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